Food Information

My favorite food related watching was Super Size Me.  This was a 2004 documentary starring Morgan Spurlock.  He went on what he called the “McDiet” and ate only McDonald’s for 30 days in order to study some of the reasons for obesity in America.  The documentary was unbelievably insightful and a huge eye-opener.  You really don’t realize what you’re ingesting until someone lays it out for you like that.  I have yet to come across anything food-related that stuck with me more than Super Size Me.

2 responses to “Food Information

  1. So what did the movie make you think about? Did it have an effect on what you eat? Or do you still go for big macs?

  2. I was never a huge fast food fan, but after seeing the movie it completely eliminated any interest I’d ever have in fast food. I have not eaten at McDonald’s since watching the movie.

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